Saturday, 14 January 2012

In the Beginning, God Created Techno Viking

Now then.  Let's take care of a small formality.

Bouling....or Boulage.  What does it mean?  Well, it has nothing to do with the game "French Boules".

Bouling [Bool-ing] or Boulage [Boo-lij] is very difficult to define. The best way I can describe it is "to act in a bullish way.  To over commit when not appropriate or required".....A bit like Techno Viking....No; Exactly like Techno Viking.

Anyway, its not too important, it's just kind of a joke that only about 3 people will get (Techno Viking is not one of them).....and they probably won't even find it that funny. Nevertheless, I wanted to wedge it somewhere into my blog and where better than in the actual domain name?

OK, so, this is my travel, food, experience and whatever is appropriate on the day blog.  I don't really know which way it will go, how often I will post or how interesting it will be.  One thing is for sure though, water is to Techno Viking what spinach is to Popeye............OK, no more Techno Viking chat, I promise.

So where did this whole thing start?  The truth is it's a bit of joke that has gone too far.  I once told Laura that we should run away together. Now, it was 100% jest, she even laughed....nervously. But at the time, in the first few months of our relationship where infatuation overrides every single rationale decision, it seemed like the perfect thing to do.  Why not? People do it all the time in those rom com's right? And, it all works out right?!  Well, so far it has all worked out, only I don't ever remember Hugh Grant having to graft his arse off 7 days a week selling his soul to numerous organisations who he simply could not give a fuck about just to run away with the girl. "Would you like to see a demonstration of the new Xbox Kinect?....No?...Excuse me sir, but you appear to have left your kids with it's no problem at all, I'll look after them while you go shopping".
I won't start a rant, but it's not easy getting out of bed in the morning to act as a glorified babysitter.  I imagine its how Jedwards agent feels, only probably not as bad.  But, we've encouraged each other to get up and earn the money that we need to go out an explore the world.  That's how things work.  Graft hard, earn nice things.  It's rewarding to have worked hard for something to make it happen.

Exploring the world is something that we have always wanted to do and finally our opportunity has arrived.  And, to be quite honest, it's brought out some very mixed emotions.  I'm not entirely sure that uncontrollable bowels strictly counts as an emotion, but that seems to be the the most common at this point.  Fear, anxiety and excitement follow closely, and probably contribute to, the aforementioned "emotion".

Still, I have nothing to complain about.  Yes, it's difficult saying goodbye to friends and family.  Yes, its a bit sad moving out of our home and giving away our possessions.  But right now my biggest problem is whether to pack three t-shirts or four and which albums to put on my Ipod.  It's hardly a bad position to be in.  This time next week I'll be enjoying the first stage of a trip of a lifetime.  Good times.

Well, that's it for the first post in what was intended to be a travel blog, but ended up being more of a random collection of mostly unrelated thoughts with very little relation to travel at all.  To rectify that, here is a picture of my room during my first attempt at packing. I still haven't managed to get the Casio in my backpack.......

I promise to make subsequent photos much much more exciting.  I'll also try to include more travel based anecdotes as opposed to using youtube videos that have no real relevance.

In. A. Bit.

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